Contest Software Ham Radio
Img/Integr_TH.gif' alt='Contest Software Ham Radio' title='Contest Software Ham Radio' />Ham Radio modifications imporvements or fiexs that can extent standard commercial products behaviour. Please be advised that some radio mods can be prohibited in your. Ham. net is a Web site dedicated to ham radio amateur radio. MixW Multimode Operating Software For Hams. MixW is a multi mode multi functional software for every day logging and. High resolution World Map software for Amateur Radio. Geographic and Azimuthal projection, Ham prefix and QTH lookup, CQ and ITU Zones. Contest Software Contesting Software. QSO Party Log. Shareware Windows logging program for the 1. QSO party. Hits 3. Votes 0 Rating 0. AATest. A special edition of AALog, optimized for the use in a lot of different contests. It can export file in Cabrillo,. SUM and. ALL files, ADIF. Contest Software Ham Radio' title='Contest Software Ham Radio' />Ham radio site with Amateur radio links and a collection of over 2800 Ham Radio sites services verified each week. Including DX band conditionsDX spots for. Welcome to the N1MM Logger Website. N1MM Logger is the worlds most popular ham radio contest logging program. For CW, phone and digital modes, its combination of. To use this program in CW and digital modes you need to use Cw. Type and True. TTY. Hits 6. 48 Votes 0 Rating 0. AIO All in One by WD8. KNC. Windows contest logging software with multiple functions like antenna rotor control, dx cluster, cat control, voice and cw keying, supports many data modes, qrz lookup, pirint qsl and labels, mapping and more. Donationware software. B3j3eOk_7A/UyPrnsL_dXI/AAAAAAAArec/lsWQEd6-CLI/s1600/entry.jpg' alt='Contest Software Ham Radio' title='Contest Software Ham Radio' />Hits 1. Votes 8 Rating 5. ARIDX by UA1. AAF. At the moment the most used program is UA1. AAF. It is an excellent program written by Boris, UA1. AAF, to handle ARI International DX Contest. It can simulate K1. EA or N6. TR workings it will be possible to connect the RTX to the computer using a standard interface in such a way as to transmit directly in CW from the keyboard most of the controls are like K1. EAs CT and N6. TRs TR on line help provides almost all the information necessary for using the program. Is possible to insert QSO after the contest. An appropriate utility in included for conversion in ADIF format. The program is very small and therefore works without any problems on any IBM compatible computer with DOS 3. Windows 9. 59. 8. Hits 1. 32. 0 Votes 4 Rating 5. ARRL 1. 0 meter contest Log. A sharewave windows logging program for the ARRL 1. N3. FJP. Hits 4. Votes 2 Rating 1. ARRL 1. 60 Meter Contest Log. Windows shareware contest log program for the ARRL 1. Hits 2. 93 Votes 1 Rating 1. Cab converter. A freeware apple Macintosh based program that helps amateur radio contesters by converting a log from a radio contest into the Cabrillo file format which may be submitted to the contest sponsor. Hits 1. 32. 4 Votes 3 Rating 7. Contest Assist. VHF Up Software management, Station Log and maps, in English. Hits 1. 34. 7 Votes 2. Rating 7. 7. 2 Contest Keyboard Templates. Keyboard overlays for CT, N1. MM, Wintest, or Writelog created with Excel 2. WA4. PGM. Hits 5. Votes 2 Rating 3. Contest Log. Checker. Contest Log. Checker is a set of contest tools for Microsoft Windows, combining advanced text editing with keyword highlighted, and the ease and flexibility of import, export, statistics and charting utilities. With Log. Checker you can edit, fill in the log, check Cabrillo Format and Header, convert files from the most popular logging software to Cabrillo, print customizable files, calculate statistics and export logs to RTF, PDF or HTML for publishing. You can examine a log in many different ways by highly interactive methods. Log. Checker includes a Master Callsign Database tool for managing databases, which have been generated from actual contest logs. Commercial. Hits 2. Votes 2. 3 Rating 9. Contest Software Reviewed. G3. CWI contest software reviews, compare NA SD TR CT and Write. Log. Hits 2. 93 Votes 1 Rating 1. CQ 1. 60 Meter Contest Log. Windows shareware contest log program for the CQ 1. Hits 2. 53 Votes 0 Rating 0. CQ World Wide Contest Log. Windows shareware contest log program for the CQ WW contest. Offer a Network version capable to run over a lan in order to allow several pc to update a single shared contest log file. Hits 5. 69 Votes 0 Rating 0. CT by K1. EA. The Ultimate Contest Software with updates via internet. Hits 8. 30. 4 Votes 2. Rating 5. 8. 8 CT Contest Logging Program Utilities. My MMPRINT utility is a post contest tool that lets you extract statistical data from a CT log file. Hits 1. 36. 2 Votes 6 Rating 5. CTJ Contest Software. By 9. H1. EL, supports RSGB 2. BERU, IOTA contests, FOC marathon and IARU 5. MHz trophy, Control of FT1. MP, all Kenwood and ICOM Radios which have CAT system. Hits 2. 64. 9 Votes 8 Rating 8. CWJF logging. Logging program for Manchester Mineira contest CWJF. Hits 6. 99 Votes 1 Rating 1. Cyber. CWContest. Contest simulation Call stations or call CQ. Program is excellent for CW contest practise or enter ongoing operating contests. Hits 3. 21. 3 Votes 2 Rating 5. DXLog. net. DXLog. Windows. Currently supporting 2. Hits 8. 05 Votes 3 Rating 8. EU Sprint Contest. Its a nice DOS program to handle the EU Sprint Contest written by Peter, DL2. NBU tnx. Both the screen and most of the commands are very similar to CT by K1. EA so the program will be real friendly. Use a standard CW interface see below to connect your computer to the radio and send CW from your keyboard. SPRINT runs on any IBM compatible computer XT, AT with MS DOS 3. W9. 5 and W9. 8. The ZIP file includes an ASCII file in English written by the author with instructions. Hits 1. 04. 8 Votes 0 Rating 0. FKeyer. Application for the Apple Macintosh computer that provides a CW contesting interface for the popular Mac. Logger. DX loggging software. FKeyer runs on Mac. OS X and uses an external keyer such as the Micro. Ham CW keyer. Hits 9. Votes 0 Rating 0. G0. GJV VHFLog. VHF contest logging program, run in DOS mode. Hits 7. 74 Votes 3 Rating 9. Gen. Log. Freeware Win. NTXP contest logging program, supports over 2. Grid Square distanceheading routines, plus Grid maps by Dave Mascaro W3. KM. Hits 6. 66. Votes 2. Rating 7. HA1. AH Contest Evaluator. Contest organizers can use this software to receive e mails containing contest logs written in the most common Cabrillo file format. The automatic evaluation of these Cabrillo files is also supported by creating summary and human readable log files. Hits 5. 43 Votes 2 Rating 6. HA1. AH Contest Software. The HA1. AH Contest Software is a graphical logging program for radio amateurs. It is a java program and can run on Windows 9. NT4, 2. 00. 0, XP and Linux. Hits 9. 21 Votes 0 Rating 0. Holy. Logger. Holyland Log Application, a super simple, one click, easy to use logging application for Holyland contest participants. Hotel Booking Php Software For. Hits 1. 88 Votes 0 Rating 0. IARU HF Contest Log. Windows shareware Log program for the IARU HF Contest. Hits 3. 94 Votes 0 Rating 0. Int. DX Contest Logging program. This program checks for duplicates including partials, lists multipliers by band, provides a country lookup function, lists all contacts, writes the Cabrillo file format for log submission, and provides many current statistics. Hits 1. 50. 2 Votes 1 Rating 1. JL Logger. JL is a free contest logger written entirely in Java. Run under Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac. OS X by W1. JQ. Hits 7. Votes 0 Rating 0. K2 Logger. K2 logging system by WB2. QAP, logs ARCI sponsored contests and others with same point system. Hits 1. 53. 7 Votes 2 Rating 1. LA0. FX Contest Logs. Offer various contest logging programs, for scandinavian contests, SPDX, PAXX, OKOM Contests, IARU VHF Contest, Portugal Day DX contests, HSC contest, various polish and norwegian local contests and other utilities. Hits 7. 70 Votes 3 Rating 7. LM Log Post Processor. LM is a program to edit contest logs afterwards, a so called contest post processor. With help of LM you can convert row data to many different file formats. Allow a quick input interface, and contest score for several contest. Can import export a batch of logs and to create result lists. Hits 9. 78 Votes 1 Rating 1. Log. View. Log. The Ultimate Ham Radio Software for contests and everyday using. Current version 4. Size of a file zip 4. MBDate Published March 1. The minimal requirements Windows 9. ME2. 00. 0XPVista7. Mb RAM and is higher. Internet connection or Packet Radioread more.