Cracking Popping Sound In Shoulder
Crepitus k r p t s also termed crepitation is a medical term to describe the grating, crackling or popping sounds and sensations experienced under. There are various reasons why joints make a cracking sound. The cracking of joints is not directly thought to cause arthritis or long term health issues. Cracking Popping Sound In Shoulder' title='Cracking Popping Sound In Shoulder' />Degenerative Diseases. Sebastiandelacroix. Thank you for following up four years later. I have whatever it is you have, and in just two years it has devastated my life. The popping and crepitus is absolutely everywhere manifested in my clavicle two weeks ago, and joint damage is beginning to show in x ray. Codecs Windows Movie Maker Avi Files on this page. It began attacking my knees and hips a year ago, and every day, walking becomes more difficult. My original theory was post streptococcal reactive arthritis. I maintain that an infectious event began this disease process. Look into the research of Dr. Auli Toivanen, one of the few rheumatologists in the world who have studied infectious arthritides. I have seen six rheumatologists across the country, about ten orthopedists, two neurologists, two infectious disease specialists, and a handful of others. One rheumatologist ventured a possible diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos Type III. I believe this may be true, but not the whole story. The next two rheumatologists blandly disagreed with him, but offered nothing, being thoughtless automatons of their universities. The orthopedists were unhelpful, ignorant and unsympathetic, to a man. The only abnormality in my bloodwork was a 2. Anti Streptolysin Titer. All of the original rheumatologists brushed this off. Of course, it is the smoking fun of infectious arthritis. The bottom line here is that something has happened to us that they havent figured out, are too blind or stupid to address, and none of us is rich enough to pay anyone to take it seriously. Beyond that, there are just too many people to see in a day, were all strangers, and no one cares at all. And to avoid facing their own ignorance and professional unconcern, they pretend we are malingering or shopping for doctors, as though 2. Im going to try methotrexate on the assumption that it is seronegative RA, given the rate of progression. If it doesnt work, Im going to shoot myself. Life isnt worth living this way. Make no mistake, people you wont recover from this. All the chatter about gluten and candidiasis will get you nowhere. If you find yourself with these symptoms, put your affairs in order and prepare for the end, because it is coming. Marshall Lentini.