Sample Excel Data Files
Importing Data from Excel Spreadsheets. Spring 2. 01. 2 Edition. Importing Data from Excel Spreadsheets. Dos, donts, and updated procedures for Arc. GIS 1. 0By Mike Price, EntradaSan Juan, Inc. This article as a PDF. What You Will Need. Arc. GIS 1. 0 for Desktop. Microsoft Excel 2. Office System Driver. Sample dataset. This exercise models data from a well known gold and base metals mining area in northern Nevada located near the town of Battle Mountain. Sample Excel Data Files For Students' title='Sample Excel Data Files For Students' />Many organizations keep valuable data in Microsoft Excel and comma separated values CSV files. F1 Challenge 99-02 Deluxe Mod 2008 Download'>F1 Challenge 99-02 Deluxe Mod 2008 Download. Learn a methodology for importing data kept in Excel and CSV files into Arc. GIS that has been updated for Arc. GIS 1. 0 and Microsoft Office 2. Excel spreadsheets have been used since the release of Arc. GIS 8 to prepare and import tabular data into a GIS. Previous Arc. User articles described the benefits and limitations of spreadsheets in the version of Arc. Tutorial 1 Import data into Excel, and Create a Data Model. Learn how to use Power Pivot, Data Models, and Power View to mash up data and create cool, interactive. Learn how to work with CSV data stored in Microsoft Excel files and create maps in this ArcGIS 10 tutorial. GIS current at that time. In early 2. 00. 4, Arc. User editor Monica Pratt wrote Working with Excel in Arc. GIS. In 2. 00. 7, the author wrote another article on the same topic, Mapping and Modeling Groundwater Geochemistry. Since these articles were published, Microsoft has released two new versions, Excel 2. Excel 2. 01. 0. With each release, spreadsheet capabilities have improved and the processes for importing data into Arc. GIS have changed. This article updates and refines rules and procedures for importing Excel 2. Arc. GIS 9. x. Although the sample data is synthetic, it is true to the underlying geology of Battle Mountain, Nevada. This exercise reexamines the Excel spreadsheet as a data import tool, focusing on Arc. GIS 1. 0 and Excel 2. The tutorial uses spreadsheets to create and enhance geologic data. Field samples include Hydrogeochemical Stream Sediment Reconnaissance HSSR points plus custom soil and rock data. In this exercise, we will model a well known gold and base metals mining area in northern Nevada, located near the town of Battle Mountain. The custom samples are typical of data that might come from the field, assayed by a modern analytic laboratory. A Word about Microsoft Excel Versions. If you have installed Office 2. If you have Office 2. Office System Driver to read. If you do not have Microsoft Excel installed, you must install the 2. The 2. 00. 7 Office System Driver can be downloaded from the Microsoft Download Center. Carefully follow the installation instructions before you restart Arc. GIS. Also, if you have previously specified on the File Types tab of the Customize Arc. Catalog Options dialog box that Arc. Catalog show you. Excel files directly. Before beginning to work the exercise, read the accompanying article, Best Practices When Using Excel Files with Arc. GIS, for valuable tips on working with Excel data. Getting Started Examining Files in Arc. Sample Excel Data Files' title='Sample Excel Data Files' />Catalog. Preview the sample data in Arc. Catalog. To begin this exercise, download the training data. Unzip the excelmagic. Arc. Catalog. Navigate to the BattleMountain folder and locate the XLSFiles folder. When Arc. Catalog displays an Excel file, it adds a dollar sign to each worksheet name. Sample Excel Data Files' title='Sample Excel Data Files' />Inside this folder, expand all files. Locate SampleLocations. Rock. This Excel 2. Rock and Soil. Rock and Soil contain sample numbers, universal transverse Mercator UTM coordinates, and field information that allow this data to be posted on a map. Next, preview HSSRLon. Lat. 83. xlsx and study its only worksheet, HSSR. Next, locate and preview two CSV files, RockData and SoilData. These files contain companion analytic data for the Rock and Soil worksheets. The SAMPLENO field in both CSV files will support a one to one tabular join with the same field in the Soil and Rock worksheets. Closely inspect the alignment of data in SoilData columns. Notice that SAMPLENO and SBPPM are aligned on the left side of the column while AUPPB, AGPPM, ASPPM, and HGPPB are aligned on the right. Use the instructions and links provided in this topic to install all of the data and project files used in the Analysis Services Tutorials. The lessons in this. Scroll down through the table and observe that many fields in the right aligned columns are empty. In the source CSV file, many of the fields contain nonnumeric strings that do not display properly. Notice that SBPPM, a left aligned field, contains many fields that begin with a less than lt character. When a geochemical lab is unable to measure the presence of an element, the analytic posting will include a less than character, followed by the detection limit value. In SBPPM, the detection limit for antimony is five parts per million, and many samples contain less than this threshold value. When Arc. GIS reads an Excel worksheet table, it uses the first eight rows to define the field format. If those first eight rows contain mixed data types in a single field, that field will be converted to a string field, and the values contained in that field will be converted to strings. When Arc. GIS reads a CSV file, the very first record defines the field type. Consequently, some rather detailed data preparation will be necessary before you can use these files. The next step will be to prepare the spreadsheet and CSV data for import into Arc. GIS. Close Arc. Catalog. After field names have been corrected, create a named range in Excel called RockLocationsImportR. Preparing Excel Data for Importation. These detailed instructions are specifically for Excel 2. Excel 2. 01. 0. If you want to try this exercise using Excel 2. SampleLocations2. Start Excel 2. 00. BattleMountainXLSFilesSampleLocations. Open the Soil worksheet and inspect the data. This location table contains 2. UTM North American Datum 1. NAD8. 3 Zone 1. 1 Meters. Coordinates are posted and displayed using a precision of 0. Many samples are coded by Claim Group. Save this spreadsheet as a new file so you can retain the original data as an archive. Name the new file SampleLocationsImport. Click the Soil worksheet and look at the first row of data. Many text strings in this row contain spaces. Change these spaces to underscores. Hint Select only the first row and use Find and Replace. Next, clarify the coordinate system columns. Change Easting to UTM8. Z1. 1E and Northing to UTM8. Z1. 1N. Now define a named range. Move to cell A1. Notice that the titles are locked, so tap the F8 key to begin to extend a cell range. Hold down the Ctrl key and tap End to stretch the range highlighted in cyan to the lowest rightmost cell. Make sure the header fields are included in the highlighted area. In the Excel ribbon, select Formulas, click Name Manager, and click the New button. Name the new range SoilLocationsImportR. Click OK and close the Name Manager. Press the Ctrl and Home keys to return to the upper left live cell. Click the Name Box drop down, located just above cell A1, to select and verify your range name. Save the spreadsheet file. Switch to the Rock worksheet and review this data. Make the same types of modifications to this worksheet to enforce correct field naming conventions. Make sure you have appropriate field names in the first row. Hint The tabular structure for the Soil and Rock worksheets is the same, so you can use the same procedure you used on Soil. Create a new range name called RockLocationsImport. Verify the new range and save the file. When CSV files are viewed in Arc. Catalog, many records have blank fields. Prepare a Composite Spreadsheet. HSSRLon. Lat. 83. HSSR back in the 1. This data is often used as part of a regional reconnaissance program. Prepare the HSSR data for import. In Excel, open HSSRLon. Read Write Excel Files in C sample source codes. Read Write Excel files in C tutorial shows how to write to and read from Excel file from your application using Speadsheet SDK. Use sample C source codes below for Excel writing and reading. Read Excel file in C with the help of the code below. Write to Excel file from your application using System. System. Collections. Generic. using System. Text. using Bytescout. Spreadsheet. using System. Diagnostics. using System. IO. namespace Hello. World. class Program. Mainstring args. Create new Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet document new Spreadsheet. Worksheet Sheet document. Workbook. Worksheets. AddFormula. Demo. Sheet. CellA1. Value Formula as text. A column width. Sheet. Columns0. Width 2. Sheet. CellB1. Value Formula calculated. B column width. Sheet. Columns1. Width 2. Sheet. CellA2. Value 732. Sheet. CellB2. Value 72. File. ExistsOutput. File. DeleteOutput. Save document. document. Save. AsOutput. Close Spreadsheet. Close. open generated XLS document in default program. Process. StartOutput. Read from Excel from your application using System. System. Collections. World Machine 2.3 Keygen. Generic. using System. Text. using System. Diagnostics. using Bytescout. Spreadsheet. using System. IO. namespace Hello. World. class Program. Mainstring args. Create new Spreadsheet. Spreadsheet document new Spreadsheet. Load. From. FileSample. Get worksheet by name. Worksheet worksheet document. Workbook. Worksheets. By. NameSheet. 1. Check dates. for int i 0 i lt 4 i. Set current cell. Cell current. Cell worksheet. Celli, 0. Date. Time date current. Cell. Value. As. Date. Time. Write Date. Flash Mx Serial Code Crack. Console. Write. Line0, date. To. Short. Date. String. Close document. document. Close. Write message. Console. WritePress any key to continue. Wait user input. Console.