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AbsNs5SoftwareBackground In 2007, physicians on Yap Island reported an outbreak of illness characterized by rash, conjunctivitis, and arthralgia. Although serum from some patients. A widespread epidemic of Zika virus ZIKV infection was reported in 2015 in South and Central America and the Caribbean. A major concern associated with this. Q M12 mmM. Pbfs codes funding source instructions 31s 31t 31u 31v 31w 31x 31y 31z 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 32a 32b 32c 32d 32e 32f 32g 32h 32i 32j 32k 32l 32m 32n. Nsk/ZA39BWD02DACA101S6NS5.jpg' alt='Abs Ns5 Software' title='Abs Ns5 Software' />KaluzaKlein theory Wikipedia. This article is about gravitation and electromagnetism. For the mathematical generalization of K theory, see KK theory. AS35001 MYOWNAS MyOwn sprl AS35002 NEWCOMASN SC NextGen Communications SRL AS35003 RAYAS Florian Kirstein AS35004 NETGRUP NetGroup Ltd. In physics, KaluzaKlein theory KK theory is a unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism built around the idea of a fifth dimension beyond the. In physics, KaluzaKlein theory KK theory is a unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism built around the idea of a fifth dimension beyond the usual four of space and time. It is considered to be an important precursor to string theory. The five dimensional theory was developed in three steps. The original hypothesis came from Theodor Kaluza, who sent his results to Einstein in 1. Kaluzas theory was a purely classical extension of general relativity to five dimensions. The five dimensional metric has 1. Ten components are identified with the four dimensional spacetime metric, four components with the electromagnetic vector potential, and one component with an unidentified scalar field sometimes called the radion or the dilaton. Koyo/DAC4280W14CS40.jpg' alt='Abs Ns5 Software' title='Abs Ns5 Software' />Correspondingly, the five dimensional Einstein equations yield the four dimensional Einstein field equations, the Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic field, and an equation for the scalar field. Kaluza also introduced the hypothesis known as the cylinder condition, that no component of the five dimensional metric depends on the fifth dimension. Without this assumption, the field equations of five dimensional relativity are enormously more complex. Standard four dimensional physics seems to manifest the cylinder condition. In 1. 92. 6, Oskar Klein gave Kaluzas classical five dimensional theory a quantum interpretation,34 to accord with the then recent discoveries of Heisenberg and Schrdinger. Klein introduced the hypothesis that the fifth dimension was curled up and microscopic, to explain the cylinder condition. Klein suggested that the geometry of the extra fifth dimension could take the form of a circle, with the radius of 1. Klein also calculated a scale for the fifth dimension based on the quantum of charge. It was not until the 1. Thiry,789 working in France on his dissertation under Lichnerowicz Jordan, Ludwig, and Mller in Germany,1. Pauli and Fierz and Scherrer 1. Asus Gamer Osd Windows 7 64 Bit. Switzerland. Jordans work led to the scalar tensor theory of BransDicke 1. Brans and Dicke were apparently unaware of Thiry or Scherrer. The full Kaluza equations under the cylinder condition are quite complex, and most English language reviews as well as the English translations of Thiry contain some errors. The complete Kaluza equations were evaluatedclarification needed using tensor algebra software in 2. Kaluza hypothesiseditIn his 1. Kaluza established all the elements of the classical five dimensional theory the metric, the field equations, the equations of motion, the stress energy tensor, and the cylinder condition. The theory has no free parameters it merely extends general relativity to five dimensions. One starts by hypothesizing a form of the five dimensional metric gabdisplaystyle widetilde gab, where Latin indices span five dimensions. Let one also introduce the four dimensional spacetime metric gdisplaystyle gmu nu, where Greek indices span the usual four dimensions of space and time a 4 vector Adisplaystyle Amu which will be identified with the electromagnetic vector potential and a scalar field displaystyle phi. Bayraktar Shipping has strong relationships with customers and charterers which is the result of the quality of its fleet and a reputation for dependability. Then decompose the 5. D metric so that the 4. D metric is framed by the electromagnetic vector potential, with the scalar field at the fifth diagonal. This can be visualized as gabg2. AA2. A2. A2displaystyle widetilde gabequiv beginbmatrixgmu nu phi 2Amu Anu phi 2Amu phi 2Anu phi 2endbmatrix. More precisely, one can writegg2. AA,g5g52. A,g5. 52displaystyle widetilde gmu nu equiv gmu nu phi 2Amu Anu ,qquad widetilde g5nu equiv widetilde gnu 5equiv phi 2Anu ,qquad widetilde g5. The associated inverse metric isgabgAAgAA12displaystyle widetilde gabequiv beginbmatrixgmu nu Amu Anu galpha beta Aalpha Abeta 1 over phi 2endbmatrix. OBfn6uYML8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Abs Ns5 Software' title='Abs Ns5 Software' />So far, this decomposition is quite general and all terms are dimensionless. Kaluza then applies the machinery of standard general relativity to this metric. The field equations are obtained from five dimensional Einstein equations, and the equations of motion are obtained from the five dimensional geodesic hypothesis. The resulting field equations provide both the equations of general relativity and of electrodynamics the equations of motion provide the four dimensional geodesic equation and the Lorentz force law, and one finds that electric charge is identified with motion in the fifth dimension. The hypothesis for the metric implies an invariant five dimensional length element dsdisplaystyle operatorname d Adxdx. Anu operatorname d Field equations from the Kaluza hypothesiseditThe field equations of the 5 dimensional theory were never adequately provided by Kaluza or Klein, mainly regarding the scalar field. The full Kaluza field equations are generally attributed to Thiry,8 who obtained vacuum field equations, although Kaluza 2 originally provided a stress energy tensor for his theory and Thiry included a stress energy tensor in his thesis. But as described by Gonner,6 several independent groups worked on the field equations in the 1. Thiry is perhaps best known only because an English translation was provided by Applequist, Chodos, Freund in their review book. Applequist et al. English translation of Kaluzas paper. There are no English translations of the Jordan papers. To obtain the 5. D field equations, the 5. D connections bcadisplaystyle widetilde Gamma bca are calculated from the 5. D metric gabdisplaystyle widetilde gab, and the 5. D Ricci tensor Rabdisplaystyle widetilde Rab is calculated from the 5. D connections. The classic results of Thiry and other authors presume the cylinder condition gabx. Without this assumption, the field equations become much more complex, providing many more degrees of freedom that can be identified with various new fields. Paul Wesson and colleagues have pursued relaxation of the cylinder condition to gain extra terms that can be identified with the matter fields,2. Kaluza 2 otherwise inserted a stress energy tensor by hand. It has been an objection to the original Kaluza hypothesis to invoke the fifth dimension only to negate its dynamics. But Thiry argued 6 that the interpretation of the Lorentz force law in terms of a 5 dimensional geodesic militates strongly for a fifth dimension irrespective of the cylinder condition. Most authors have therefore employed the cylinder condition in deriving the field equations. Furthermore, vacuum equations are typically assumed for which. Rab0displaystyle widetilde Rab0where. Rabcabcbcaccdcabdbdcacddisplaystyle widetilde Rabequiv partial cwidetilde Gamma abc partial bwidetilde Gamma cacwidetilde Gamma cdcwidetilde Gamma abd widetilde Gamma bdcwidetilde Gamma acdandbca1. An error occurred while setting your user cookie. Please set your. browser to accept cookies to continue. NEJM. org uses cookies to improve performance by remembering your. ID when you navigate from page to page. This cookie stores just a. ID no other information is captured. 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