Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation
PPT Research Methods Power. Point presentation free to view. Title Research Methods 1. Research Methods. Collecting, Processing and Analyzing Data 2. Aims of the Session. The purpose of this session is to Alert you to the different types of methodology available to you in your research Make you aware of the different techniques that you might use in collecting, presenting and analysing data Discuss the different kinds of problems that you might encounter in pursuing your research. Contents. Developing Your Research Questions The Different Types of Research Selecting Appropriate Research Methods Robustness of Methods Structuring Your Methodology Data Analysis Problems with The Research Process Summary 4. Developing your Research Questions. Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' title='Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' />This section of the presentation examines what you need to do in order to focus your research. The Purpose of Research The purpose of research is to contribute to a current academic debate, and possibly to advance knowledge in some manner. This means that the research that you undertake has to be Embedded in a recognisable field of study, taking account of, and drawing on, past research Of interest to other researchers working in the same field, and possibly to the wider community Generalisable to more than one individual experience or circumstance. Research Questions. Manually Remove Domain Trusts. Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' title='Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' />Download PowerPoint Templates, Power Clipart and Power Animations for presentations. Examples of Materials That Can Be Adapted For Therapy a collection of resources by Judith Maginnis Kuster. The following is one section of Judith Kusters Net. PowerPoint Templates Are you a PowerPoint presenter looking to impress your audience with professional layouts Well, youve come to the right place Microsoft has some recommended methods for recovering from PowerPoint presentation corruption here, httpoffice. Our PPT products come to the rescue of busy professionals. Save time by downloading this ready to use, easy to edit, Product Roadmap PowerPoint template. Technical Writing 101. Ebook download as PDF File. Text File. txt or read book online. The Paragraph package is an easy to use document that will help students learn how to write effectively using the proper form. The document includes a detailed. Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' title='Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' />An important way of ensuring that research is well focussed and purposeful, is to ensure that it provides clear, unambiguous, and hopefully informative, answers to particular questions. These are called your Research Questions, and can either be answered via the Literature Review in which case the answers will have already been discovered by others, but will be novel to you, OR via the practical work that you undertake, in which case you could well provide novel and original answers. This second type or Research Question will drive your practical work. Examples of the Different Research Questions Preliminary Questions intended to be answered by the Literature Review What are the available technologies for creating a database driven website for use in furniture retailGender PowerPoint template is a special slide design for gender presentations in PowerPoint. This template can be used for any PowerPoint PPT presentation that. K7wC9wdQ/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' title='Gender Powerpoint Template - Gender Powerpoint (Ppt) Presentation' />Which currently existing e commerce websites for furniture retailers demonstrate examples of best practice Focussed Questions to be answered by the Practical Research Can commercially available web development tools be used to create an effective and professional looking e Commerce website for a furniture retailer What are the most important aspects of a furniture retail e Commerce website from the customer point of view Typical Research Structure. Conduct Literature Review. The process of research is well documented. This diagram more or less describes the activities you need to undertake. What we will do in this session, is to look at some of the elements, and how they fit together. Select Research Questions. Devise Methodology Research Instruments. Apply Methods Instruments. Perform Statistical Analysis. Test Hypotheses Draw Conclusions 9. Getting Started. The first thing that you will do is to make sure you are well informed, and to pose pertinent questions which your practical research will answer. Conduct Literature Review. Select Research Questions. Devise Methodology Research Instruments. Apply Methods Instruments. Perform Statistical Analysis. Trx Manager Serial. Test Hypotheses Draw Conclusions 1. Defining Your Field of Study 1You undertake a Literature Review in a particular field, in order to ensure that your research is embedded within that field, and that you are taking account of the methods, issues, results, theories and conventions which apply. At the end of the literature review, you will have narrowed the field down to a relatively small topic within the field, and will have some unanswered questions which your practical research will try to investigate. These focussed questions form the basis of your Practical Research. Defining Your Field of Study 2 Your Research Questions are crucial, as they effectively define both the content of your practical research and the manner in which you carry it out. Your research methodology is designed specifically to attempt to answer these questions The data that you collect will be focussed on issues relevant to these questions Your analysis of the data will seek to provide answers to the questions Your conclusions will summarise the answers. Practical Research. Questions Typical research questions might be To what extent is the business community in Wales aware of the potential of Bluetooth Is the software currently available for teaching arithmetic to 5 year olds appropriate and effective Are there differences in the way that men and women approach the task of writing software How can historical events be modelled effectively using VRMLDefining Your Population. When framing your Research questions, you need to be clear about what set of objects, people or events forms the background population in your study. Are you saying, for example that the CAL software you produce is designed for all English Speaking people, all men, all Afro Caribbeans, all children under 5, all those who have been diagnosed as dyslexic, or simply to Afro Caribbean boys under 5 with specific learning difficulties If you are investigating whether on line learning is effective, is your population students, University students, UK University students, Liverpool Hope Students, Liverpool Hope Computing Students or Liverpool Hope BSc. Computing StudentsResearch Questions. References SW LibraryLewis, Ian. So you want to do research Edinburgh Scottish Council for Research in Education, 1. SCRE publication 2. The Different Types of Research. Here we look at the different options available to us in carrying out the research. Your Research Focus The main focus of your research can be Product based Research, focusing on producing a piece of hardware or software or the designs for them which is at the cutting edge of a discipline, drawing on other researchers ideas, best practice and what is feasible. In doing this, you may need to explore how the product will enmesh with current systems, and existing and future technologies. People based research, focusing on the people who interact with the hardware or software, looking at issues such as usability, user behaviour, compatibility of software with current user systems and other HCI issues. Both of these approaches are legitimate, and it is possible that in carrying out your research you might need to use elements of each one. Product v. People. Which focus The focus of your research is decided by you. It will depend upon how confident you are in creating a product at the cutting edge, or how comfortable you will be as a researcher in dealing with people. When you frame your research questions, you need to ensure that their focus leads you into the kind of research that you want to do. There is no right answer, but you may find that your research will be best carried out by using a main focus of one element, with a subsidiary focus of another. For example producing a piece of software which securely encodes personal data as a self encrypting and decrypting file stored on an ID card, may well need trialling with real people. Approaches to Research. There are two main approaches to doing research Quantitative Research looks for hard numerical data it proceeds by counting, measuring and summarising. The goal is to look for statistical significance in the results. Qualitative Research takes a soft approach to data, and has a more descriptive feel.