Index Of Member Downloads Software
Downloads and Software available at AQUA TERRA Consultants. EPA manages an active user community that offers support and perspective on BASINS, HSPF, HSPEXP, and other associated software. To become a member of that community, please subscribe to the listserv following the instructions on EPA BASINS page. To pursue a more demanding level of support than listserv interactions can provide, please refer to our Premium Support option. Software Packages Grouped by ClientAgency. Software available from the. Applications page at the. Index Of Member Downloads Software' title='Index Of Member Downloads Software' />Water Resources Division WRD of the. Users Manual in Windows Help format. Gen. Scn see also our Gen. Scn page. ANNIE A Character based interactive program designed to help. Data are stored in a direct access file called a. Watershed Data Management WDM file. NetCDF Downloads. NetCDF network Common Data Form is a set of software libraries and machineindependent data formats that support the. Sign in with your Apple ID. Use the Apple ID you used to register or register now. HSPEXP HSPEXP is no longer supported by USGS, please refer to HSPEXP linked above. IOWDM A character based program designed to reformat data to and from a WDM file. SWSTAT Software for statistically analyzing time series data. The time series data are read from a Watershed Data Management. WDM file. The computed statistics and or time series can be. WDM file or to a text file. Software available from the Office of Science and Technology of the. Office of Water. Software available from the. Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling CEAM. State of Washington Department of Ecology. WWHM Western Washington Hydrology Model. San Antonio River Authority. SARA Time Series Utility SARA Time Series Utility supports analysis and management of time varying environmental data including listing, graphing, computing statistics, computing meteorological data and saving in a WDM or text file. SARA Load Reduction Tool The SARA Load Reduction Tool was developed to allow users to determine the constituent load reductions needed to reach water quality standards in model reaches within a watershed through the application of BMPs. Complementary Professional Services. AQUA TERRA Consultants maintains close professional. We encourage you to visit the following sites CH2. M Hill. provides expertise in watershed assessments, planning and. GIS and database management. Best Management Practice BMP planning and design. Computational Hydraulics, International. SWMM News Notes. Hydro. Geo. Logic, Inc. Offers strong groundwater and multi media assessment capabilities. Dynamic Solutions, LLC. Expertise in EFDC, CEQUALW2, and WASP for watershed planning. TMDLs. Clear Creek Solutions specializes in computer modeling of complex hydrologic and hydraulic systems. English Translation Of The Quran Pdf there. Data Sources and Other Useful Links. King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks. This web site provides public access to rainfall, streamflow. King County. Washington, gage sites. The American Association of State Climatologists in conjuction with NOAA offer maps, weather and climate information, and. U. S. presented and organized within six geographic sub regions. NOAAs National Climatic. Data Center offers. PRISM Climate Group. CD ROMs. Data sources include NCDC, USGS, EPA, Environment. Canada, GHCN, and COADS. USGS water data. includes real time water data, historical records of daily. Watershed and Water Quality Modeling Technical Support Center. Sign in with your Apple IDUse the Apple ID you used to register or register now.