Softphone Software
Downloads and Apps Plantronics. Download our software for desktop and mobile platforms designed to improve the experience of using, managing, and owning Plantronics audio devices. Ekiga formely known as GnomeMeeting is an open source SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. The Legacy Sub. It supports HD sound. VoIP Provider for Business. Adore Infotech is the leading company of VoIP Providers for Business. We offer VoIP Software, SIP Server solutions to fulfill Your. PC Telephone Software Download. Free SoftPhone for VoIP SIP ISDN USB. Cheap PC to Phone and Fax calls over the Internet. Access CounterPaths core softphone libraries to create customized IMScompliant communications solutions. With thousands of users in more than 30 countries, IP blue is the recognized leader in Voice over IP VoIP communications. Our awardwinning. Ring gives you a full control over your communications and an unmatched level of privacy.